I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate the outstanding customer service that you and your staff provided from the beginning of our association. I visited the site where we specified your lights, and our clients are very happy with the aesthetics and performance of HCI lighting products. I really appreciate your efforts and quick responses on time as and when we requested, I have interactions with lot of manufacturers but in spite of difference in working hours you have responded even late in the evening which added lot of value to completing our design, I found you are very knowledgeable about your company’s product line and seemed genuinely interested in helping me find items that met my needs rather than just being focused on providing a quick resolution. Thank you again for your coordination and negotiations. Because of you and your team efforts, I was able to deliver what I needed on time to my clients, and I am very satisfied with the design. I will continue to use HCI lighting in the future, as well as recommend it to others. Please let other employees in the office also know that their efforts did not go unnoticed. You have put together a great team that make engineers feel respected and valued. I look forward to working with your team and build a successful relationship for years to come.